
box for cat dry food

The project centers on designing packaging for an invented private label product. The goal is to conduct thorough preliminary research to ensure the product has real market potential. Key considerations include determining the type of market (e.g., organic, health food, drugstore, hardware store, online-only), identifying the target audience, and establishing appropriate pricing—whether the product should be positioned in the discount range, as a premium item, or somewhere in between.

The packaging design must utilize cardboard as the primary material, with a focus on addressing current market gaps in Austria. This could involve creating an innovative new product, transitioning an existing product from plastic to cardboard, or solving a particular problem with the packaging.

My Project: "mjause"
For my project, I created “mjause,” a boxed dry food product for cats that is both organic and healthy. The box is designed to be opened and closed easily, ensuring freshness and convenience. Made from recyclable materials, the box is also colorful and aesthetically pleasing, designed to brighten up a living room. Once empty, the box can be repurposed as a play box for cats, leveraging cats’ love for boxes. Each flavor features a different color theme, adding variety and visual appeal to the product line.

Market Research | Target Audience Identification | Sustainable Design | Creative Packaging | Corporate Design

Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food
Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food
Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food Box for cat dry food